Authors |
Danevskaya Anita Muratovna, Postgraduate student, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. Constitutional and legal responsibility is a unique type of liability, drastically differing from other liabilities of public associations. There is no general definition of constitutional and legal responsibility in the Russian legislation. It is a special type of legal liabilities.
Materials and methods. The author analyzed the Federal Law from 19.05.1995 № 82-FZ (revised on 08.03.2015) “On public associations”; the Federal Law from 11.07.2001 № 95-FZ (revised on 23.05.2015) “On political parties”; the Decree of the President of RF from 13.10.2004 № 1313 (revised on 12.09.2015) “Issues of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation”; the Federal Law from 25.07.2002 № 114-FZ (revised on 08.03.2015) “On counteraction against extremist activity”; the Code of Administrative Court Proceedings of the Russian Federation from 08.03.2015 № 21-FZ (revised on 29.06.2015).
Results. Analysis of the stated authorities allows to conclude that the institution of constitutional and legal responsibility of public associations is necessary for maintenance of law-and-order in society, as it is the timely measure, executed according to law, that allows to suppress any possible violations of legislation, rights and freedoms of citizens by dishonest individuals, employed at public associations.
Conclusions. As we can see, it is necessary to improve the normative framework, regulating constitutional and legal responsibility of public associations, particularly, clearer and more distinct division of warnings and exigencies forwarded to public associations.
References |
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